Ask Waffely

So, I'm sure you're all wondering what it's like to live the humble life of a frog. Well, it's a nice life. I get tea and chocolates, and basically everything a froggy could ever want. I'm a vegetarian frog, which means that I don't like chocolate-dipped flies. I fact, I think that they're disgusting! >:U
I'm also a male Cami's Frog, if you haven't figured that out already. 
My owners, (I prefer the term caretakers) Edwingrim2 and FluffiestSlug make me chocolate waffles to eat and give me fluffy pillows to sit atop. Now don't you wish you were a frog? 
Comment some questions below, and I'll answer. ^.^
Ciao! (I stole Edwingrim2's goodbye ehehehe) 


  1. Replies
    1. Um, I've never been snowboarding before. My fur would get all damp and slimy. >.<
      I don't think I would... I've never been the most coordinated Froggy.

  2. You're a vegetarian frog? I'm a vegetarian too! Hello fellow vegetarian animal!

    1. It's good to hear that you're a vegetarian animal, too. :3
      Nice to meet you! ^.^

    2. I mean, I'm a vegetarian in real. ^.^

