The Cast

Gender: Male
Traits: Warm, friendly, chipper
Likes: the color green, tea, blueberry scones, socializing, his besties, FrogTube, home, water skiing, luxury, FluffiestSlug and Edwingrim2, chocolate waffles
Dislikes: antisocial people, the phantoms, his slow FroggyMobile, when people hurt his friends, too much adventure, chocolate-dipped flies, non-fluffy pillows

Gender: Female
Traits: Fiery, impulsive, intelligent, calculating, adventurous, bold
Likes: raspberry tarts, hot cocoa, her besties, sunshine, facepaint, the colors purple and bright red, mushrooms, art, adventure
Dislikes: phantoms, the cold, boring people, water, birds (no one knows why)


Gender: Female
Traits: Shy, persistant, sly, wise, nimble
Likes: Fooling the phantoms & learning their secrets, helping out her adopted father Greely, blending in, cracking codes, keeping secrets, the Alphas, her friends, adventuring, learning how to be an escape artist, raspberry tea, danger
Dislikes: Getting her paws muddy, the phantoms, anyone who speaks ill of the Alphas, heights, the phantom's ice cages

Gender: Male
Traits: Mellow, encouraging, sentimental
Likes: Ice cream sundaes, the season autumn (his namesake), food in general, his friends, classic literature, the sound of rain falling
Dislikes: Phantoms, danger, being hungry, lightning, getting his tail caught in things (like elevator doors)

